Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Recount Text ε('-'*)з

Sekarang, waktunya back to English again. Kali ini aku mw ngepost pengalaman aku sendirii,..
Selamat membaca ツツツツツ
Going Camping

        On Saturday until Monday, 21-23 July 2012. My friends from SMPN 1 Sedayu, my scout teachers and I went to camping in Kaliurang.
        At seven o’clock, all grade seven students of SMPN 1 Sedayu arrived school. Seven trucks were ready on there. Some bags were in the trucks. After we did a ceremony. All students, my scout teachers and I got on the trucks. We arrived at the camping area ground at a half past nine.
        In the first day, our activities were setting on tents and made decorations. In the first night, we held performances. There were singing, dancing, drama and many others. After looked performances, we went to sleep in each tent.
        In the second day, we have many activities. There were going to Merapi Museum in the morning, doing outbound in the afternoon and watching film in the night.
        And in the last day, our activities were join outbound again and setting off the tents. After those activities, we went home by trucks again.
        Although this activities made me tired but I like this activities.